Page 3 - 台灣外科醫學會年會專刊
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112 年度台灣外科醫學會學術演講會專刊


            活體肝移植:透過多功能性實現卓越………………………………………陳肇隆名譽院長 14
            Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Excellence Through Versatility
            Chao-Long Chen , MD, PhD(Honorary Superintendent, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial

            【111 年最佳研究論文獎】………………………………………………………莊垂慶教授 16
            Prefabricated Venous Flap, An Advanced Venous Flap for Free Tissue Transfer--an Experimental
            Rat Study
            David Chwei-Chin Chuang , MD(Professor, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)

            後疫情時代  AI 智慧醫療發展…………………………………………………洪子仁副院長 19
            The development of AI smart medical care in the post-epidemic era
            Tzu-Jen Hung , MD(Deputy Superintended, Shin Kong Wu Ho Su Memorial Hospital)

            【111 年青年外科醫師研究獎】……………………………………………蔡政宇助理教授 22
            Dedicated to treat GBM in research and clinical fields
            Cheng-Yu Tsai, MD,PhD(Attending Staff, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial

            【111 年教學典範獎】……………………………………………………………賴春生教授 24
            眼瞼下垂術獨步全球 賴春生教授春風化雨
            Unveil The Brightness: The Corrective Surgery for Blepharospasm and Ptosis
            The World-leading Oculoplastic Pioneer of innovation
            Chung-Sheng Lai, MD, EMBA, PhD. (Emeritus Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-
            Ho Memorial Hospital)

            【美國 Association for Academic Surgery(AAS) 訪問教授】  ………Mehul V. Raval 26

            Quality Control of the Environmental Impacts on Operating Rooms
            Mehul V. Raval(Professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA)

            戰傷救治經驗分享及對加強外傷救治能力的啟示………………………………林恆甫主任 28
            Experience sharing on War Wounded treatments, and lessons for enhancing the treatment
            Heng-Fu Lin, MD,(Chief, Division of Traumatology, Department of Surgery , Far Eastern Memorial

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